summer of angelica


long time, no see. I defined owe you all an update on where I’ve been, but I have no excuse except school. but I’ve been out of school for a month with no motivation to post. if you follow me on instagram, however, you’d be aware that I purchased my eighth doll, angelica (58). she is a gorgeous doll whom I would recommend to anyone. I hope that I will be more active on here, but I can’t make any promises. thank you all for sticking with me.

-Ella & angelica

hello (again)

well hello there! long time no see!

I realize I have not posted on here since August (cringe) and I am so sorry.

I honestly have no excuse except for the fact that school has basically taken over my life. I plan on trying to post once every 2 weeks or so, if I am able. dsc_1247dsc_1212


I hope to talk to you all more frequently!


bridge views


a few weeks ago, we visited the Allegheny River, and Charlie joined me for some pictures! I’m really happy with how these turned out. also, have you guys heard about the pop up store in Pittsburgh? I’m psyched, since its an hour from me! I think I’ll be visiting there a lot. 🙂

have a great day!

xx, Ella

beach days


wow ella’s actually making a post??? this is new!!

hello, I exist and am also the worst at making posts.

but I am actually going to attempt to post once a week now, so lets hope this doesn’t totally backfire.

hope you all are well

xx, ella

meet olive & more updates (!!)

DSC_0855DSC_0856DSC_0857DSC_0858hi, and welcome back to the blog of the worst blogger on the internet!1!

so, yes, I realize I haven’t made a post in a month, and I’m so sorry. I have been so stressed with school, my dolls and blog have been the least of my worries. but I have a huge surprise for you guys coming up in a few short weeks! plus I have one week left of school and then I’ll be back to posting! so see you then!

oh, and I forgot to mention the fact that I got Lea (Olive!) I love her to pieces! let me know if you want a review!


spring break style

I began my (much needed) spring break today. it was very nice. actually, it was relaxing.

(re·lax·a·tion: rēˌlakˈseiSH(ə)n/ noun  1. something I haven’t experienced for a very long time.)

back to the point.

I broke out the camera and miss Isabelle and took some picture in our (again, much needed) 54° weather.




thanks for reading

